This is the most worst company in the world, they spoiled my one yearcareer. I got placed in the college, after I passed out, they dint givejoining.They kept 3 technical tests before joining. They recruitedalmost 600 people in 2008 all over india and selected only 20 peopleafter keeping 3 tests and u know the pay 8K but in the offer letterthey said 23k. SO PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don join thisfake comapny.Really, this comapny does not stand not morethan 5 years…. And moreover, HR policies and very very bad and also training head PRASHANTH has done all these.
*How ethical is the company in Human resources part. The company should have told this before sending the offer letter. For about one and half years I was living in hope that I will be joining KPIT. Due to this I had rejected offers which I have got in between, as I had offer in hand from KPIT.
KPIT-> Kuthe Pandit Informationless Technology