I frequently travel from Bangalore to salem and I always chose kpn travels thinking it to be the best option, but after a few occasions when I had to use another travel company instead of KPN due to the unavailable buses at that time , I found that the service is almost as same as cheap bus travels. here are a few points that many travelers using KPN would agree to.
poor customer waiting area. (they are unclean , they lack ventilation , and above all their toilets are worse than public sector pay and use toilets)
poor customer helplines. (most of the phone numbers printed on the tickets either do not exist , or are not working .)
arrogant staff . (the staff hired always portray themselves as frustrated people on the help desk. not one of them has the courtsey to talk to a person properly . above all they show this snobby attitude as if there is no other travel existing at all and that they are doing the public a favour. )
to add salt to the wounds , they sometimes issue salem tickets to buses which are headed towards kerala. as salem comes in the way. but just think of the plight of the poor tamilians who would be subjected to 3 hours of non stop malayalam movie which they cannot understand a bit. ( I hold nothing against malayalam . it is just to say that being subjected to a foreign language for a long time irritates and disturbs the passengers a lot and such a mixing of travellers and compromise of cultural habits is not good.)
the waiting areas donot have a bit of entertainment facilities ( not expecting Xbox , or playstation. At least a tv should be available)
the buses stop at snobby restaurants which sell food at a double cost (in my case the bus stops near dharmapuri , where there is an adyar ananda bhavan . worthless hotel , which sells tasteless food at exorbitant prices. MR. KP NATRAJAN not every body travelling in a volvo bus owns a BMW , there are many hotels and restaurants which serve better food at better prices. if I may suggest while leaving Bangalore there is a mc donalds on the way and I believe your pride wont fall if you stop there . )
7.on reaching the destination , the conductors do not announce the arrival. they just stop as if they have stopped in some signal and move ahead, ( this is really bad as aged people who tend to fall asleep during the night travel may miss their stop. )
i dont say other travels are best , but kpn is no good either. so before having this stereotype that KPN is best and worth all the money you spend think once again . new transport companies like SRS , VRL provide the same service at almost same or less price with better conditions on many occasions.