Krishna Cottage, can u fight the dead? The answer NO is Krishna cottage is another horror film. I have seen hawa, raaz, saaya , rakth n ssshhhh which is a thiller more than horrer.i which first position goes to raaz, 2nd to saaya 3rd is rakth n the forth is ssshhhh n KARISHNA KOTTAGE., Hawa was the most senseless horror film I have ever watched.
When I started watching Krishna cottage I was thinking that the reason of all the mysterious things happening in the film will be very much senseless like hawa especially ssshhhh. But I was surprised in the end as the story was not senseless but was a little due the fact that all horrer films r senseless to some extend as this kind of things dont happens in real life. So it can be included in not bad horror film.
Isha koppaker:she plays role of neha .she has the most powerful role in the film. She plays role of a university student who is followed by her x boy-fried spirit who is dead. She is a good actress. Over all she looks very beautiful. Smart, beautiful, tall.i liked her very much.
Sohail kahn
Sohail khan plays role of ishas class fellow, who is engaged to his class fellow natashaa n loves her too. But he is a little attracted towards isha too. He plays role of a single hero after whom there r two girls.
She plays role of sohail khan?s fiancae.but later on experiences strange events related to him. Nataashaa looks to fat in the film. Her face n overall she doesn?t looks like a heroine at all.
The story starts with a writer who gives a book of real love stories to Sohails University. Then after some time the principal throws the book in the store as strange things begin to happen to any one who reads that book. Then after one year it is shown that sohail khan n natashaa studies here that is sohails love n their engagement is tomorrow. isha takes admission in their university n from there starts strange events happening to them n few of there friends too.
On the occasion of sohails engagement roof ghomar or fanoos fells on isha but she is saved by sohail who dragged her from that place at the very time. Then when they n their friends were coming from their engagement their tyre punchers n they stays 4 some hours in an empty house known as Krishna kottage. There they saw strange things. Isha tells them thier that she that she thinks that her dead boy friends spirit follows her. After staying there they go back to their houses.
Sohail becomes attracted towards her personality. Her fiancée Natasha in par shek karte hai. One day she clearly tells isha in front of sohail that she will have to leave sohail as he is her fiancé insults her. sohail says sorry to isha n said that they will always remain friends.
One of ishas class fellow begins to love her I forgot hiss name lets say him Tony. One day he sees that isha is reading a book. It is the same book that is thrown by principal in the storeroom. But he doesn?t know this thing. Isha tells that it is her favourite book. He issues the book thinking that he will impress isha by telling that he likes this book also. But as he hates reading books so instead of reading the book he gives it to one of his friend to read it n then him what is in it.
After reading the book she gets very frightened n calls Tony to tell him something but the line disconnects n she is murdered by an evil spirit. As she lives alone in the house nobody knows anything. The next day Tony while wandering in the university listens the conservation of the writer who wrote this book to the principal. The writer tells that the book should not be read by anyone as anyone who reads the book is killed. He tells that no copy of this book has reached the market. The trucks that were supplying its copies had bad accidents n all the copies were burned.
The only copy left is that u has. Principal tells that he thrower that book in store but now it is lost. Tony after hearing this gets worried about his friend to whom he has given the book. He went to her house but doesn?t find her there. But he finds the book n puts it in his bag. On the way to university he finds one of his friends n takes lift from him but forgets the bag with book in his car. He calls him n tells him not to read the book but the reads it n is murdered. The same night Natasha yells at sohail that he is in love with isha. Sohail becomes angry n tells that yes he is attracted towards isha as she has some strange attraction but he doesn?t love her n love her i.e. Natasha.
Natasha becomes angry n sad to know that sohail like isha n pays no attention to the sentence he said that he loves her. She goes to ishas house but is shocked to know by his mother that isha is not alive. her mother says that ISHA DIED 20 YEARS AGO. Natasha, sohail Tony n one of his friend meets a woman who is known to have spiritual powers. Natasha tells all that isha is dead but no one believes.
The lady calls Ishas spirit. Who tells that she wants sohail n she has killed 2 of their friends because they knew that she is dead from the book?s n she will kill anyone who will come in between sohail n her. Later on it is revealed that sohail is the DOSRA JAANAM of ishas boy friend who died 20 ys with isha but till his death he didn?t declared that he loves isha n hated her n why he hates her n who is the writer who writes their love story in his book is a long story. If u will seethe film u will know it. Now ishas spirit wants sohail to love her and demands him to go to the same place where she died n suicide so that his or her spirits meet each other. Other wise she will destroy n kill everyone related to her.
Now what should sohail do?
Beneath the name of film it is written clearly that u can?t fight the dead.
So how can sohail fight her spirit n if he does not what will he do?
The story of the film has some base n it is not base less.the story revolves around dosra janam of hero which seems very interesting.
The song in the film soona soona lamha lamha is very good .the lyrics n especially the music?s is very impressive. But the song is too short. The song bindas is also good I liked the dance in this song very much.
My comments
The film is not bad but not good either. You can watch it if u have nothing else to do. The songs will entertain u. isha looks very pretty wasn?t horrified at all while seeing this movie. It has no suspense at all. Although the story seems full of suspense but while I was thrilled at all to know what will happen now.The camera effects were not as good as a horror film should have. I am not writing the end because if u want to see it see it by yourself. You can watch it if u like to in leisure time. It is not bad.