If there is someone who deserves a clap it is hrithik the film I know was a bit of childish and the storyline was also not so good but it all comes under the same excuse that the film was based on the action scenes rater than the story , , , , , but a little common sens dosent hurt anyone does it , , , , , , , , , , ,
i might be a bit lenient on this because I personaly like hrithik very much but stillllllllllllllll, , , ,
some stupidities
1.how is the principal in the first scene still the same in the middle of the movie when around 20 years had passed, , did jadu give him the power to stay young all his life hmm, , , ,
2.why did krrishna hide from priyanka and the others ( when they show him doing amazing stuff in front of them0
3.and when they decided to go back why didnt he simply go and confess insted of calling priyanka to him and get pricked
4.MAJOR DISASTER when they were making the new computer then why in the name of sanity did they need the code of the old , , , , destroyed one _)
in the last fighting scene krrish starts to run as if rocket boosters were tied to his legs
well there might be many more of these but I remember only these
but still compared to films like kank it was superb
and hrithik looked really amazing