What useless service from ksrtc volvo bus and officers ?
I often travel in ksrtc volvo buses from mys to bang when i boarded the voivo bus in satellite bus stand from banglore to Mysore around 7:30 the bus was looking very clean from outside when I entered at the door step i noticed that all the lights very switched off in the bus the passengers were not able to see anything inside the bus which seat is empty i asked the driver to switch on the lights of the bus he told me that sir only one light is working in entire bus and when i got the seat to seat i saw some cockroaches moving on the windows and that seat was not cleaned and a.c was not working properly and driver started the bus.
And he did not on the tv also i thought that tv was kept for show when i asked him to switch on the tv he said me that it is not working, we were around ramnagar driver suddenly took the bus to ramnagar bus depo and asked them to put disel in to the bus but the officer send that no one is there it is closed and driver took the bus again to the highway i thought how the ksrtc operate buses with less diesel in the tank thank god we got the disel in mandya depo.
Finally, I reached mysore at 11:30, a boring journey and a waste to pay 240 rs to travel in volvo. Please be careful when boarding ksrtc Volvo.