Hello guys my name is saiel naik
I have a youtube channel called saiel naik vlogs
I do bikes review and vloging there so go subscribe me
No move on to the bike
-Awsome designe bike looks too sexy for this price renge
-handeling is best and very filcable in traffics
-engin produce max power of 24 bhp for this price range its just too good
-digital console is fully loaded
-for the price of Rs. 1, 66, 000 on road in goa packed with thismuch features its just awsome
-milage is 30-40kmpl ( depands on how you are riding)
-Heating issue the bike gets too much hot in bumper to bumper traffic
-brake pads are not so good ( You can go for aftermarket brake pads)
-seat in not comfortable
-this bike is tall so short riders like me its very hard to ride in traffic
So this was my review of duke 200 hope you like it
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Saiel naik vlogs for bike review