I own a ktm duke. Really satisfied with the performance. Average is good as expected.
# Rubbish sayings
people say that this bike does not give good average which is really rubbish.
# serious speaking
I own it, trust me guys it is beyoned my expectation.
look is really awesome. Good thing is that it suits me the best.
Maintainance is negligible if u service your bike regularly as explained in your service manual.
service centre really respect the customers an provides A grade service. I am satisfied with this brand in term of product as well as customer services.
Trust me guys if you are looking for a new bike You can invest your money into this brand. I am confident you will get real satisfaction.
Look is high class. This bike got a revolution in the automobile industry.
yamaha fzs, suzuki gixer coppied looks from ktm.
I can give you a advise that You dont have to worry atleast for next 10 years if u invest your money in ktm Duke.
I gave this advice to my brother who really followed what I thought him. Now he is really exploring bike with satisfaction and comfort.
Guys think smart before u invest.