It is quite light, but it feels much much more agile than any other bike out there. The reason is very simple. You sit nice and low, but high enough for you to be comfortable. Its very refined, smooth and torquey. Its a decently powered engine with a not so linear powerband. Its got good power low down and really opens up in the top end, but the mid range leaves alot to be desired, especially 4-6k rpm. Between 4-5k there is almost no power whatsoever. The engine heats up quite a bit, contrary to popular belief, it does not overheat, but that is actually the temp it runs at. After just sometime in traffic the heats gets quite alot and you start to get uncomfortable. I am completely dumbfounded as to how is it that the bike can handle these bumps and feel alot more planted in the craziest leans I can throw at it. I am happy to say both. It is quite practical when need be and has its fun side always available. I have gotten a FE of 36.34 kmpl for my first tank full and once on one particular ride, the MID showed a FE of 48 kmpl.