KTM is the one of the most fastest growing motorcycle brand in india. Teenager of the india love this australian 200cc sport bike.
I myself own a duke 200.
It not made for local street can be runned on the highways.
Perfomance: - Its a pickup powerplant. No other 200-250 motorcycle can catch Duke200 as compared to duke 200. 25Bhp engine deliver 12000nm of max. torque, which just make it Zoom off.
Mileage is not that good on local road it give upto 28-33 kmpl in city and 35-38kmpl on highway.
Comfort level is good. Lightweight bike you have to control the bike, dont let the bike control you or els you will be in a big trouble.
Maintanance cost is pretty high as its a australian brand.
Price is quiet good as its a Imported brand.