Does External appearance really appeals???
Perphas if I were asked about my favourite Movie five years ago no second thoughts my reply instantously would be Kuch Kuch Hota Hai !!
Well it was indeed the best Bollywood would ever offer to the teenage crowd. But today after nearly half a decade my opinion and perspective about this movie has changed. Perphas as time files so do our opinions !!
Let me briefly introduce the major characters of this movie,
Anjali: Played by Kajol. Nodoubt kajol is a versitle actress, who has made her presence felt in almost all the shots. (Wish she starts acting again !!)
Rahul: Well it can be none other than Shahrukh khan.
Tina: The Hot sizzling Rani.
There are so many controversial topics that can be debated for hours. I seriously could not get the answers for the below,
This movie was a great hit at the box office during not only its regime, but even today people prefer watching the same. But today as time passes the following concept remain question marks to me ???
In the first instance Rahul believes that Love is friendship if that is so why did he propose Tina?? When Rahuls best friend was Anjali.
Secondly When Anjali was a Tom boy for Rahul she was just a friend with whom he wanted to kill time by playing Basket ball. The moment Anjali transforms herself with the siffon sareers well grommed Rahul falls in Love with her. Does this mean external appearance appeal to people more than the inner beauty.
Does Anjali need to wait for Rahul for 8 long years ??? Well this proves that Rahul was Anjalis first love but what about Rahul??? Rahul happily gets married to Tina and once Tina dies he tries to woe Anjali. Pathic !!
I seriously did not have any intentions of hurting anyone on this issue. Especially I am fully aware that 90% of the crowd watched and liked this movie. I do agree that this is just a source of entertainment but at the same time entertainment should convey some meaning/message to the society which has being lacking now-a-days .