The story is all about how Raj (Abhishek), son of a medical practitioner (Suhasini Mulay) in the U.S., resists the idea of marriage. There is Mamaji (Satish Shah) in Bombay who comforts the mother that if she manages to send the son over to India he can change things around what with the line-up of beauties he has. And so Raj is emotionally blackmailed into boarding the flight to India and whom does he meet at the airport? Aishwarya of course! .
And it is one chain of events with a little surprise element. Soon two men, one of them Abhishek, are fighting over Aishwarya and who wins?
IF THERE is any reason to see this movie it will have to be because Abhishek Bachchan is in it. For, he tackles his role with dignity, finesse and at the same time displays a good flair for comedy. Of course, he just cannot escape the dictates of the director who has been feeding on Bollywood for life, even if he happens to be of the next generation. Which is when he is forced into the song and dance routine, some truly melodramatic scenes and the `too good to be true mould.
The other reasons could be because it is one of the better films coming from Bombay and has kids that dont put you off. They are cute and the main child, who plays a crucial role, is actually more convincing than glamour girl, Aishwarya.