I soleomnly wish, this ridiculous serial would end. Its going a bit too far. It was quite a nice serial in the beginning, but now it has become a typical ekta story.
Its all supposed to be about this bubbly girl, Kumkum. She marries Jatin, but unfortunately he dies, and then she marries his brother Sumit.
Sounds perfect doesnt it? One would think, And so they all lived happily ever after. Nah, nothing like that.
Sumit was supposed to marry Renuka, who went off to America for some silly thing or the other, and when she came back, they were supposed to have married.
Nice girl, typical bahu, but when she realizes that Sumit has married Kumkum, all that sweetness vanished into nothingness.
She becomes a repulsive horrible lady, who you think can never be beaten. But Kumkum after a couple of hard attempts exposes Renukas treachery to Sumit, who had thought that Renuka was an angel.
Ok, problem solved. But no, Renuka wont give up, no matter what. iN her way of trying to kill kumkum, she by mistake injures Sumit.
Of course everything is allright, but then some new characters are hurled in, such as Abhay, Chanda, who is a duplicate of Kumkum.
I certainly do not recommend Kumkum to any sane person. Actors are okay, but tend to overact.