Here comes another instalment of one of the best animation movie series Kung Fu Panda and its one of the famous comedy action animation series for all the time and definitely one cant miss its enigma and its joy to watch PO(kung-fu-panda) with its charming, cute and funny actions.
Movie did a good job but comparing to its previous parts this was little disappointing. Movie based on a simple story line where Kai wants to ruin master oogway and gather all energies from their spirits and he defeated all kung fu master and stole their Chi energy where PO( dragon warrior) fights with him to stop him. Movie has some new twists in story where PO met with his real father and other living pandas in a secret village. Story has lack of punches comparing to previous instalments and some where it seems forcefully added punches not accurate to situations and completely failed to make audience laugh opposite to our expectations. Movie has very good cinematography with great sound and backgrounds science fiction action scenes with energies and soul worlds all are above average you will definitely enjoy its direction. PO played its character very well and cast performance voices all are good and fully expressed all expressions with cuteness, innocence in the movie.
Overall movie is good and worth your money and time but according to its previous instalments if any one has seen all series, I am disappointed with this third instalment. If you want to enjoy a decent movie with some action and funny moments with cute pandas with your family and children then you should watch this movie. But for me as I am a big fan of kung fu panda series and I was expecting much more from this movie. I will rate this movie 3 stars, 2 star for story and cinematography and 1 extra star for our cute dragon warrior PO. In most of the scenes you will feel its punches not according to the situation and not appropriate, I think somehow movie lost its real magic and lost in showing more sci-fi things but they forget audience go for our funny super hero Panda and his cute innocence. Overall movie is good to see at least once but not perfect as previous parts.