I am so. excited final.l.y kung fu panda 3 wil.l.l. rel.ease so.o.n in inddia iam so.o.o. happy I watche the trail.er very funny when po taught kung fu to chil.d panda ther eat all thin l.o.l his father wil.l. co.me in this mo.vie p sto.ry wil.l. discl.o.se I am sooo. excited pooo. acting awesome in both part now turn of 3 it will. amazing because in this mo.vie soo. many panda so.oo many comedy so.o.o. many co.medy wil.l. blast in hollywooo.d kids ready panda is comminggg whoooowo.wo.w iamm g.o.ing theater to. watch this mo.vie hurrrrrrryyyy