Dear friends
this review is not for the tourist mainly. it is for people who has got an offer from kuwait company or ministry .
for tourism ---hardly anything --- maybe kuwait tower . etc. but nothing very unique which u dont get in other arab countries .
for job --- u have to know many things . here it is not a bad place like nigeria etc but not a fascinating place either . let me explain :
first of all : for a bachelor if you are a pious muslim and has come here to earn money and dont mind compromising your freedom ---kuwait is OK . so many mosques . prayer times are respected . But there is no nightlife or discos, alcohol is prohibited .
for family man : biggest problem is the beaureaucracy in bringing family . A salaray cut off of 250 KD below which u cant bring your family. So solitary confinement . And calls to indi are expensive --- 45 rs per minute . their telecommunication is not as competitively developed so for a kuwaiti no problem as within country is free but for expat its very bad as outgoing is expensive .
they treat indians as second class citizens : one rule for indfian another for kuwaiti .
kuwaiti clerk may get double that of indian engineer . but if it is a high paying oil company and u dont mind this no problem . locals are not very friendly but are not hostile either .
but the beauraucracy is very very bad. in india by giving money we may be able to circvumvent it . but here notthing works and they mess things up ..everything is very slow .
i will stop by citing another example of kuwaiti life : traffic . in india we have bad roads and relatively slow tarffic . so accidents occur but less fatal . In Kuwait they have US style roads and very fast US cars going at 250 kmph. but they drive carelessly (extremely ) and police do not monitor much so horrible accidents occur. also expats are blamed if accuident occurs , but they are usually innocent
depends on you : but only if you get a good salary come here : ask for accomodation as a single bed room flat is 150 kd that is half your salary . if you get a good salary like 500 + KD and company accomodation come here. else forget it .
please leave ur comments :)