Kya haal mr. Panchaal is a comedy serial which is very popular now a days on star bharat channel. The story revolves around kanhaiya and his five wives. Prabhat brother inlaw of kanhiya always create funny situations for laughter. Kunti niwas in which all the fun going is headed by kanhaiyas mother kunti. kunti wishes a daughter in law which she want all the necessary qualities in turn lord shiva gives her five daughter in laws. Now these all five have different qualities one is expert in cooking, another one is very religious in nature, one is very fashionable, one is very intelligent and always eager for studies, one is foolish she takes everything in a funny way and busy every time in taking selfies. Everyday there is a new dramatic situations created by all the family members. Apart from the comedy this serial also gives a social message how we are stick to our typical traditions which are strictly banned in our modern society. All the characters are playing their roles very well. Overall this show is based on such a plot that you will surely feel refresh after whole days tiredness. You should watch this serial I personally recomend to you . So dont miss it.