Story Line of Kya Kehna : a young girl does not listen to her father , nor her mother nor her brother ..all that she listens to ? is her lust call ? gets pregnant out of wedlock ? and lands up in a deeper mess ! on top of that she delivers the child giving the mushy muck that Lord Krishna is being born to her ! ? total nonsense ? no religious epic has ever encouraged a woman to jump with a villain in the midst of a forest among mosquitoes bites- and get pregnant on top of that !
Positive Message;
Girls listen to your parents, brothers ? they are the true protectors and supporters never cross your limits - Chastity, innocence , purity are the true Qualities of women ! Stick to purity & innocence ? if it happens to you in real life ? your parents will have to commit suicide and the society will boot you out of the locality.
Girls ? do not get impressed by men with cars and jeans and mobiles and talking big ? who say things like ? I am very broad minded ? they are all fraud minded ? men should be protective, supporting, caring and taking care of your chastity. They are the real men.
Broad minded men are only after all women ? they can never belong to any one?who wants such ?used by all kind? of men anyways ?