The movie is much a double meaning movie.It is a fully BAKWASS movie.The scene and the dialogue of the character are fully related to only one idea which everyone knows and there is no need to tell.
Such type of movie also lead to give rise to crime in the country.Due to this movie many crime had taken place and will also take place in future.
Such type of movie directly or indirectly lead to upliftment of number of cases related to women and girl.Examples of such type of cases are Sexually harsement to women or girl as well and also among relatives.The rape case in India are increasing day by day which also lead to bad impression of the country and mostly for the Indians in the world.
The main reason of this is MAINLY BECAUCE OF SUCH TYPE OF MOVIE.
The movie is fully of such type of scene leading towards the sex.If we exclude hot scene and some sexy scene then there is nothing in the movie.This tpye of movie is a fully wastage of time, money and leading us toward sex.I would highly suggest not to watch it.