Yesterday I planned on going for this movie "X-Men", I had heard that offers a ticket free for every ticket that you purchase. as any person would do, I went online trying to book, registered myself with the site and continued with the process.
firstly the interface is pathetic, and when you are booking you cannot select your seats for the movie.
secondly, I wanted four tickets, which logically evaluates to two tickets for which I had to pay and two tickets to be provided free for me, and end of the process, viola! I had paid for all the 4 tickets! what sense does it really make to advertise and promise if you cannot keep up.
third, I went to the theater(was already irritated), to pickup my tickets and enjoy the movie atleast, I had the booking confirmation id with me for getting the tickets, and I gave the same at the counter to redeem my tickets, he asked me for my phone number, and to my surprise, they werent the same. it was not the number that I had registered with the site, and definitely not a valid number either! 9876654321 was the number. I had to stand at the counter and talk them into convincing them that the order was indeed placed by me, and it was already late for the movie by the time they agreed and gave me the tickets.
got back home, was trying to contact them over the phone and report the issues, their whole site, do not have a contact number with which you can contact them when needed. you have to leave a message, and I really do not even know if they will acknowledge the same.
was just going through their disclaimer, that was shocker! they claim that they are not responsible for anything, directly or indirectly. nothing, in short they are trying to take consumers for a ride. I think its time there are some rules and restrictions and a body that can monitor and certify such sites!
here is the link to their disclaimer, which you have to read, for your own good
my word of caution to you guys, please, and am serious PLEASE, do not use thise site for any sort of event booking.
PS: I guess mouthshut should make a provision for giving negative rating, I really do not want to rate this product with 1*, but I am forced to:-(