Can I just say something? Nobody wants to sit around 24 hrs a day watching saas-bahu serials! I mean theres nothing wrong with saas-bahu serials I quite enjoy them myselfs...its just how close r they to reality???ok so some saas-bahu relationships dont work out....but isnt that the older point of kids wanted to look at something young that we could relate to....SO THANKS TO NEENA GUPTA who came up with Kyun Hota Hai first it was many peoples favourite serials. I mean we had it all sussed out like neenaji wanted us too. we thought Amit Sadh was hot...riva bubber was sweet.....Sonal Pendse was bitchy and Vikas Sethi was tooo goood to be true!!! it was all a sweet light college drama which you could enjoy after a hard day....something not so serious....something lighthearted. It was for us younger generation even though some older generation used to love watching it too. It started off with Nikki, the main protagonist entering the hard life of erm lol city life basically. She gets on the wrong side of Adi and Ash (the most popular guy in the school and his vain spoilt basically bratty girlfriend!) So things arent so good for her! But then this and that happens and it all changes and blaa blaa blaa. In the end of it Adi and Nikki get together which was obviously gonna happen! And then Adis best m8 falls in love with Nikki, and Ash is in love with Adi still so it gets very complicated! But did that stop us loving this serial???? We still watched was one of those stories which was still indian but in its own way if that makes sense!!! but then wot da hell happened to this serial??? I mean this murder and suspense and killing???:-( It was flopping fast! Plus has no-one seen the american movie I NO wOT U did Last Sumer It was copying completely Anyway I dont know what has happened to Kyun Hota Hai just getting sick of it...and theyve changed Adi which I thought was a calamity at first but this new guyz cute and weve got used to his