Ekta kapoor and her serials are just pathetic and sooooooo boring....i really wonder how they topped the charts and ratings for sometime.
why do people want to fool others by showing extra maritial affairs....this is what we see in nowadays TV SERIALS....and the popular soaps...one can really learns from Balaji telefilms or what ever it is.....just how to streaaaaaaaaaaaaaaach.....the story even if their is none.
The popular soap Kyunki Saas Bhi Kabhi Bahu Thi had come under fire from the Maharashtra State Womens Commission for propagating sex determination tests and emphasising the importance of having a male offspring......apart from these they are propogating many other socially unacceptable situations.
I think surly numerology has something to do with some success of this soap....otherwise theirs nothing in this and similar other soaps of Ektaaaaaaaa Kaapoor