This is the famous serial of balaji television alomst on air for the last 3 years if I am not mistaken. This serial is so much extended that I think it will carry out till u will find the next generation watching it, with the same stories going on with the family.
When they found that the people are losing their interest in this soaps they introduced the new new generation where there is too much of characters following in and out and still the introduction is going on and on....oh! god I think its not going to be over same thing are repeated whith the new characters what they had shown in the past.
The balaji production should stop this and think something, a new idea to keep the interest of the people. There should be an ending. They must understand if anything in life is taken for a long or if be adapt something for a long time we get bored of that particular thing.
The characters are changing from time to time. If I am not mistaken there are 3 husband relpaced as it looks we have eneterd into the west and we have forget our tradition and values.