While reading most of the reviews on KSBKBT on MS, I have come accross majority of the reviews
criticising the serial. Many of MS members are simply fed-up with KSBKBT & fail to understand
why the serial is still so popular among Indians. I think I am aware of the reason for the popularity of KSBKBT & other such serials.
~~~~~~ The $1mn question & its answer!~~~~~
Question: Why are KSBKBT & synonyms so pupular?
Answer: Because of the 3rd class movies produced currently by Bollywood!!!
Yes, the downfall of Bollywood is the main reason why cable channels, esp Star, Zee & Sony, have
become so popular in the past few years, so have the serials concerned!
When Bollywood failed to meet peoples expectation of delivering good decent movies, Ill say
since 2001, Indians shifted towards cable channels where they found a variety of good & decent
programmes which they could watch with thier family!Thats the reason why nowadays you find
cinema halls empty and people in front of their T.V sets instead of watching 9-12 shows!
~~~~~~The Downfall of Bollywood~~~~~~~~~~
And so doomed Bollywood......There are many reasons for this:
1.Producers ignored the main base of Bollywood, THE TYPICAL INDIAN FAMILY! Majority of the movies
released at present are A rated thus having nothing to offer to the Family that used to fill
cinema halls during the weekends & holidays!
2.The quality of movies produced by Bollywood have extremely deteriorated when compared to
those of the past & have no plot, acting or direction.People r fed up of repeated stories and
boring dialogues.Ill say 3rd grade movies & music!
3.There are no more good actors or actresses to perform in Bollywood.The newcomers are dull &
boring & have no skills or whatsoever & do not even deserve to be a spotboy......All flops.
While the others who are dominating the industry, for e.g SRK, are ageing & people r fed up of
watching them!!!
4.Most of the movies released are simply copycats of western movies.Since these movies
have nothing great to please the Indian audience, they are super-flops!
5.The music/songs which was one of the factors behind most of the hindi movies success is more
or less repetitive in most of the movies released nowadays.And to add the miseries of Bollywood,
private albums have changed& spoilt the entire beauty of the Indian music, of which all Indians
were once proud of!
~~~~~~~The uprising of KSBKBT & synonyms~~~~~~~~~~~~
Even I am not such a great fan of Tulsi of KSBKBT but I still watch the serial daily! She is
atleast a million times better than Aishwarya Rai or Bipasha Basu!!!!& aboveall, I can watch
the serial with my family! There was a time when children in school used to discuss the new
movies that were released but now they just discuss about the serials shown on cable as
majority of new hindi movies are of 3rd grade & simply not worth of being discussed!!!! Actors
& actresses working in serials are now more popular than those working in movies & why shouldnt
they be, afterall they are more talented than those new idiots that we now see in the movies!!!
I just read in a newspaper that KSBKT will be soon completing its 1000 bday!!! & it is still
rated at the highest TRP ratings.....
~~~~~~~~~~And Finally....~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Thanks to Ekta Kapoor for providing something known as KSBKBT which helped the Indians to
overcome the miseries given by Bollywood & saved our children from being strayed!!!! Whatever
you say on KSBKT, you cannot deny the fact that Ekta brought families together through the serial
& made usaware that there is something known as Indian culture which most of us had forgotten
before the start of KSBKBT!!!!!
Hats off to you Ekta!