Umm...well Im usually into writing reviews on cars but I couldnt resist this huge urge to write (well, criticize really) about kyunki......I think Ekta Kapoor feels that her audience has a very poor memory or at least she feels that they will buy any stupid thing she thinks of....take a look at the bloopers below.
1)Mihir Virani rises from the dead, Mandira rises from the dead..whats it about Ekta and dead people suddenly getting life?? does she have some divine power to induce immortality into her cast?
2)If the Viranis are so hyper about weddings why dont they think about Indus wedding rather than bitching around about others?
3)One should really consult Ekta Kapoor about her secret to peoples agelessness...can u imagine 4 generations of the family living under one roof that too all looking as if they are pretty young. Lets face it none of them look older than 50 other than Ba ofcourse who could pass off as a 80yr old max.
so the equation goes like this..suppose each one has a kid at 20yrs of age...
If Ba is 80.....then obviously her eldest son has to be around 60 so his son around 40 and this 40 yr old is a grand father! wow a young grand father!!This is absolutely stupid. Can anyone believe that Sejal is Indus mother? or hemant is a father??he looks as old as his sons!!inspite of this people watch it!
4)Tulsi cares about the world but has real trouble figuring where all her kids are....
dunno how many more of Tulsis kids are gonna be discovered during the series.
5)22 yrs ahead and still they use the same stuff that we use today...same cars n does that mean we are way ahead of our time or that they like to use really really old stuff? now come on do we use the same stuff and listen to the same music that people heard in 1982 or before that??
6)If you notice Mihir Viranis nature too has changed since the person playing Mihir changed...Amar Upadhyay was very aggressive whereas Ronit Roy is not so aggressive by nature.
These are just a few things that I could point out. there may be more stuff but isnt this enough to prove how dumb the k-series is? either the K-series is dumb or the writers think that the viewers are dumb. I think its utter waste of time and people should find better stuff to do than watching the k-series.