Well the first thing is that I don’t see this serial. It’s just that my
mother watches it. I saw this program 4 - 5 times because I thought
that it was a good serial as it was running for a long time. But it is
really hopeless. There are always different stories in the same
program. If one problem of the family didn’t finish an other problem
starts and it keeps on going. I don’t know why half of India is mad
about this program. It’s only about a saas who was a bahu and the bahu
who became a saas and something else. The full family fights. I can’t
believe how gautham has 3 or 4 wives. Like this stupid program most of
the people watch. I think balagi productions should start making better
programs. It thinks Khichdi is better. And happy republic day to all.
Again I don’t think this serial is good to watch. Its a waste of 30 minutes . But most
of the Indians (mostly female) like to watch this serial.