How to make a super successful serial.(with due apologies to Ekta Kapoor)
1.Take a huge, rich & hysterical joint family with a strict father.
2.There should be a devil of a mother-in-law (MIL)& a sita incarnate of a daughter-in-law(DIL) or vice versa.
There should be lots of young (read that as marriageable) guys and girls.The advantage of having girls is that you can introduce new characters when she gets married and goes to her in laws.
Needless to say there should be gallons of tears flowing all the time. This will ensure your TRPs hit the sky.
This family should be against love marriages. (bharatiya sanskriti ko nibhana hain).
The women of the house will be draped in saris. Pallu over the head is COMPULSORY. They will also dive at every elder in laws feet as soon as she spots one. (adarsh bahu)
The devil DIL will be a career woman who will not wear saris but kool western formal outfits.(as if that makes her a bad person and bahu)
Upto a few months back, I had to forcibly watch this regressive serial as my mother tragically is a huge fan and still is of this wonderful serial. Soon I couldnt take the third degree torture and now I sit on my computer helping MTNL mint money.
This serial deals with the super-rich Viranis (sounds so much like Ambanis doesnt it?) who not only are rich but are also decent and oh so sweet. But, there are 3 devils of DILs here who make life miserable for their saas and bahu. If you thought this serial deals with the standard saas-bahu naatak your wrong. Here we have 3 bahus whose aim in life is to insult their saas and then the eldest bahu becomes a saas one fine day & is soooo happy to become a saas.(even George Bush wasnt so happy when he became President of USA). However, her USA returned son rejects the girl chosen by her and marries his sweetheart. Hell hath no fury as a woman (& saas) scorned so she turns against this girl and now her only objective in life is to throw this bahu out of the illustrious Virani parrivar. I failed to understand why she turns against the girl. After all HER son goes against HER wishes and marries the girl of HIS choice so shouldnt she actually try to throw her son out? After all HE proposed to this girl HE married, so how is it this girls fault?? So here starts the story of one upmanship between the saas-bahu and the TRPs hit the roof!.
I wonder how the Viranis are considered a good khaandan considering the way the 3 bahus insult their saas and try to throw their young DIL out of the house. I also wonder how they made so much money as no one, not even the male members of the house go to work ever.
Regressive serials like these shouldnt be shown. Such serials are only a insult to women. The younger son gets married (arranged of course) to a girl who lived almost all her life in America and did her MBA from there. What does she do after completing her MBA? She promptly gets married and becomes a Virani bahu. (WOW what a privilege for her!!).When she says she wants to work, hubby dearest throws a tantrum (MCP from USA) and tells her not to work as khaandan ki izzat ka sawal hai and moreover why does she need to work?? After all Viranis have crores of money. Come on what age are the producers of the serial living in??
Less said about the technical and production quality the better.
The biggest tragedy of this serial is that its made by Ekta Kapoor, herself a career woman and it shows women in such a poor light.