Its great and nice. If you have to take revange from someone then you have a great idea. Dont do anything kidnap him and keep him in front two times a day in from of the TV when this serial is coming. He will touch your feet, thats gurantee. Sorry for the persons who see it due to their wife.
When ever I see any husband seeing this serial I think why that poor fellow is being kept in that torture room? Its something which I think Nazis may had liked. Think that there might had been a room with 100 TV and countinuos show of this serial. And then who need that poison gas? The Nazis will never get those bad words from any one, if they had found the Ekta in their team.
And please dont discolse its effect to Junior Bush, otherwise he might attack on the Virani Mension. Afterall they are the real WMDs.