The series Kyunki Saas Bhi Kabhi Bahn Thi is one hell program and one of the best programes on Star Plus. I have watch the program a few times now and I do like as it deals with extended family. I always live in extend family since birth and live with my parent so I can kind or relate to the program.
The program is very realistic as it show that family are not alway happy as they do have up and downs from time. But you can alway count on them when you need the most. It a bit sad when sometimes when there a misunderstanding between family and they may get the wrong end of the stick.
For example in the programe that had shown the misunderstanding about Tulsi having an affair with Raj Bashin [the big bad wolf] and he claims that Harsh was there love child. That was sad because Tulsi so pure like Sita jii she would not do anything which would bring shame to Mihir and his family. But Tulsi whole family turn there back on her even Mihir, because they thought the DNA report was more important then Tulsi purety that sad when that happend. Anyway it ended up of being Tulsi sister and Raj love child. In this day and age should able to trust your own family espacially when they have done so much ie Tulsi.
The story get more sadder when Raj actaul tell Harsh that Tulsi and Mihir are not his parent but his actual parent are Raj and his masi. That is sad after 18 years you find out that your actaul parent not sure how would anyone feel. But Tulsi love him as his son, as the sayig goes its more important who has brought up from birth and actual fact who gave you birth. As the person who bring you up give all the love and who teaches you from what right and wrong, who teaches you love everyone and who teaches you to make the right choice.
It must be hard for Harsh as he love Tulsi and Mihir alot on the other hand it hard for them to escepcially Tulsi as she love Harsh to bits like her own son, even for Mihir its hard but he wants to find his really son as he believe that his really son deserve to have their love too. Mihir right it not their son fault that he got kiddnapped since birth and he deserve to have their love as much as Harsh that doent mean their will love Harsh any less. But on the other hand Tulsi is right by saying that they shouldnt tell Harsh yet as he would feel hurt and maybe he would but he is very understand and he can see that Mahir and Tulsi love alot, and if they leave too long then it sould back fire as he would feel hurt that his parents didnt have faith in him and he found from outsider.
But the stroy has a swist in the story the big wolf Raj tell everthing to Harsh and the story contunies from there....Over all review for this programe it 9/10 excellent program it show love & affection, it is tradional and it has family morules which ever house whole has......And when come too push come to shove you could on your on blood your family who will be there for you no matter what as they love you unconcondinally but sometime they have misunderstanding but that doent mean they love you any less....Maybe some people want agree with me but I believe that as I have been brought up that way. Im talking about real life and not tv programe you sick by family when they need the most. And even show respect to your elder, show love to the children of the family and closes to people your age which this programe show thats why I like the programme.
Listen up everyone on this web site, if havent got anything better to say, then I would appreciate if you dont write any comment on my review. As you may have not notice someone insentive people out there. You know who you are, if you havent notice but I suffer from dyslexia so my spelling not great or my grammer but I dont think I need expalin myself to anyone. As for my review they are my own views and write what feel is right in my eyes.