This review is outright acidic and is a product of utter pent up frustration that is building for quite sometime.
Infact my registering into mouthshut with the handle AcidTounge pretty much gives you the idea.
I cant expect much from a producer and director and the biggest surprise of all a writer born to a person, who always dressed riduculously, acted in movies with equally ridiculous earthen pots stacked one on top of each, in song sequences. Better known as jumping jack, whose antics will rival that of primates.
So it doesnt comes as a surprise to me when the serials made by this lady, make me run for the remote to change the channel.
Only the devil and the wilted lady from Balaji, knows, what exactly they are trying to portray thru the serials.
The common thread that binds all her soaps are
Ageless beauty. Aw, cmon the moms look more younger then her children and so does the dads. And what with the old hag ba wont she ever die in the soap. Is she a mutant with the genes of a turtle.
Advances in Medical Science. People regularly get themselves totally upgraded or morphed, facially , physically in her serials. Hey, Ekta. mind giving out the address of the plastic surgeon.
UFO and Aliens Wat? am I going nuts? May be. But if thats not the case, explain people disappearing mysteriously from her serials for countless episode and then suddenly materializing from nowhere or worse, never re-appearing at all.
Most Fashion conscious. Yes!, you cant catch the people acting in her serials, without the immacuately brocaded saree, or other dresses and makeup. No not even in their bed, when they are sleeping. They are always ready for the kodak moment.
Note to self : Send a email to Michel Adam (CEO of FashionTV) to watch KSBKBT or heck any other K soaps, they are all the same
- Polygamy and Adultery
Oh boy, I can go writing gigabytes on this one. Everybody who is anybody in her serials, is having or had an affair and a illegitimate child or children, before or after marriage.
Tons of Money. God! this people will put even Bill Gates to shame with their flamboyancy. Nobody speaks below a few hundred crores, whenever they are talking of economics.
Women in her serials are either doormats or conniving bitches hell bent on ruining everybody including themselves.
Men, in her serials are largely superfluous, highly idiotic, very promiscuous and is more or less an excuse.
Children in her serials are nearly always illegitimate, brats, know-alls. Duh!! thats a long post, will write some more next time.
Duh!! thats a long post, will write some more next time.