People come back from dead, with altered faces courtesy plastic surgery (from where did they get the money for plastic surgery we dont know!), switching spouses, marrying 3 times at the least, Baa still living to see the fourth generation of her children, scheming, Welcome to the world Of Kyunki Saas bhi Kabhi Bahu Thi -it is a world of loose morals, no logic and utter crap keeps happening and audience (if there is any!) couldnt care less to the poor justice-holders.
I would beg people to stop this serial as it insults our intelligence and has a very repressive content. Wrap this show up so it can exit gracefully, if it has any grace that is.
Women in this serial are given to extremes- an annoying holier-than-thou angel or manipulative, scheming types. There is no variety at all in characters, no grey shades. Women are decked like christmas trees, with make-up resembling disco lights-is this how people dress at home? Have women no better job than scheming against some miss goody-two-shoes in the kitchen? Men are some background props and contribute nothing to the serial.
We wonder what this serial is about.Probably how a storyline can get so messed up and bizarre and still seems to be running in a channel.
And for people who are watching this serial, I know its personal choice, but GET A LIFE!!