Guess what? This family drama has beaten KBC in TRP ratings.So, all that stuff about more aware & demanding audiences and more mature & quality concious productions(after the recent debacle of bollywood) was just a false alarm.Big screen is a different buisness but on TV still the success formula remains the same.A sas & a bahu with 10-15 family members, a basic 4 line script and one line long title and youre in for crores in ad revenue. TV in india is still eazy money(KBC was exeption).
So whats in our product under review, a sas, who was once a bahu(wow! that was a news to us)and a bahu who is hated by the sas and 10-12 compulsory family members and the rest is anybodys guess. The ups & downs of the family usually decided by the TRP ratings.
Thats the basic four line script.other highlights of this FD are shabby direction & screenplay loads of over acting.Dont judge this one by its popularity.It would soon die out and even if it doesnt you wony repent not watching this serial.After the success of KBC one thought that indian TV software industry might think big explore new ideas to get better of each other but sadly what we see if photo copies of KBC and same old family dramas cashing on KBCs popularity. KBC instead of being a trend setter is more of a exception in this moronic & millimeter deep(borrowed these adjectives from smartgirls review of Oops! I Did it again coz I couldnt find better ones) Indian TV software industry. What is the worst part of these programs being successful is that they set a very wrong example. when these shabily done FDs get successful earning 6-10 million per episode many more similar prog. start to cash on its popularity usually on the cost of good ones. Most recent of them are Kahani ghar ghar ki & shagun at the cost of Rajdhani & Tanha.
Those who have watched Rajdhani or Tanha, would easily comprehend my views. Tanha in particular as it was also a Family drama(no im not against Family Dramas). It was a beautifully written & directed serial which had Milind soman & sushma seth among others in the lead. Those of you who must have seen it know that Tanha easily deserved a prime time spot not to be sacrified for any KSBKBT style FDs where family values & culture only consists of singing Om jai jagdish hare, touchin feet of ur elders & wearing 7 feet long saree. My dear friends thats not our culture or family values these are just representations.culture & family values lie in the heart, in your every action and unless you feel it you cant potray it.
I know that those who watch this serial would think otherwise and may not rate this review highly but if my review even makes one person stop watching KSBKBT then the time I spent on watching KSBKBT just to figure out what gave KBC run for its money, as not wasted. BTW if you havent seen this serial till now dont even think of giving it a look. the reason for its popularity is mostly due to KBC and its catchy title.secondly as sony has shifted its most popular programmes to 10 pm so it comes as ideal continuation for most viewrs. Most probably the popularity is short lived and even if it doesnt how does it matter. Sorry to say but still in india star world & Axn are the best bet for ur time.
P.S. - 2 years hence and the show still tops the charts. The bhau has become saas par dadi ne nahin chodi ab tak ek galat saans. What to do. Honestly ive not watched this series ever since I wrote the above review , but as many of you keep visiting, I wanted to add something. What can I do if my opinion has not changed.