All 3 of the reviews till now simply repeat the official features presented in the brochure of LDCE, but that really doesn’t present a true picture at all of the college.
There are non-existent facilities, hardly any machines/labs which work, and not many of the teaching staff take any responsibility towards teaching. One cannot blame them or the college though, since ultimately it is a government institution and what can you expect for 600Rs a year??
True, many of the students go abroad to prestigious universities and get selected in campus interviews but that is simply because of the name of the college (i.e. premier institute). Students, who do well, do so in spite of the system, not because of the college. Those who study hard and give the exams can make it through, but no thanks to faculty or the facilities.
I really would not recommend this college in theory, but practically one would still have to go since it is the best in Gujarat and has the name. I do admit the same brilliant student from Bhuj or Morbi would not have the same opportunity being in LD but that is simply due to an undeserved reputation.
The college may have been great in the 50s, 60s, and 70s but nothing notable of late. There is no impetus given to independent thinking nor is creativity rewarded. All sorts of projects, files, reports etc are usually copied from previous students and are also encouraged. (Since if new material comes up, the faculty would have to strain themselves to follow up on it).
I don’t want to sound extra bitter and it being my alma mater, I feel bad not recommending it, but someone has to speak the truth... how long can one read the glorious encomiums of the land and money donated by Lalbhai Dalpatbhai or the number of seats in each department?? If LD knew the state of affairs in this college today, Im sure he would be turning in his grave.
The cons noted in a concise fashion -
Professors teach in barely 30-40% of the classes they should.
When they do so, they teach from 10-15 year old notes, nothing new.
The labs are like a museum, seeing machines/engines which the rest of the world has forgotten. Almost all of them don’t function. The reason? No spare parts or even worse, no one knows how to fix them (???? - professors??)
Labs are not for learning, simply a demonstration by a teacher with all the students looking on as if its a circus show.
We are supposed to copy our senior’s reports to get the correct readings and results.
No extra curricular activities worth the name. Students play cricket or hang out at the paan/masala/chai/chaat stalls.
Dirty buildings/classrooms with no maintenance at all. More like a govt. office with the same attitude by all concerned.
Don’t get me wrong, I love the college but I don’t believe in lying to people about the true state of affairs. If there was an even 10% improvement, I would recommend it strongly.
Final point: - If you get admission in this college, go for it. Despite all the above, if youre good, you can make your future.