Now what to say. My vacations are wasting with these movies but as film lover I watch this movie n I knew that this gonna waste of time n money but still I watched to time pass a day
So movie is all about lalli n ladoo love story n third one which is kabab me haddi is gurmeet. Everytime I see this guy. I feel like watching tv serial. Let it. But the fact is akshara hasan look just like her mother sarita. Only consult is she has to loose her wait otherwise in upcoming years she will have go play heroine elder sister roles. Now coming to the movie. The movie is all about love between beautiful shararati lalli n stupid ladoo. One thing is clear that the casting of the film is perfect cause neseer sirs kid. As I dont know the name and even I dont want to know. Is look like that dumb that no one suits than him in dumb and dumber indian version but big problem is that how can he will do the justice to the iconic characters but his dumbness will do justice. Jokes apart but overall lalli ki shaadi mein laadoo diwana is very boaring affair that after 15 min of film the director n producer also knew that this is gonna waste product.
So ithink I dont need to say that you should watch the film or not. Even at home.