Hi frnds
I would like to share my own oppenion on lacto calamine. I would say it is the best cream. I was first using fair and lovely .o my god that was horrible, i got pimples on my face.my face turned oily and dary too. After that I skiped to my lacto calamine, i have been using it for 15yrs. Trust me all my problems were gone in 2 weeks.lovely and wonderful.I WILL NEVER THINK OF CHANGING ANOTHER CREAM IN MY DREAM ALSO.it is not just me telling about my change, every one who sees me says that my face looks fresh and lively. It improves ur skin toan.
use it two times a day with out fail. tou will see thw difference in 2 weeks.
wash ur face.pat dry.apply few drops on ur palm.give an upward stroke for better performance.