A Brief Summary of The Events
Narrative: Long ago man used to live near water and there he lived and listened to the creatures of the sea. They lived harmoniously. Then man got interested in settling more and more within the lands. The sea people tried their best to speak to the humans, but the humans had forgot to listen. However they might try the sea people were not able to enlighten the humans who got engaged in wars for millions of years. They forgot to listen. The sea people also stopped trying. Now yet again they tried another attempt to help man hear their voices. So they used to send their representatives, but there were their enemies too. Some of them didnt return.
The movie starts:
Well as we hear this only, it doesnt quite make an impact, but havng seen sixth sense I thought its common sense to keep my inner voices to myself. But somewhere deep down in me ..... okay leave it...everybody was watching the movie and so I too looked at the screen.
Yup, the movie begins with a jolly guy who is killing a big hairy bug in the flat of an italian family. Then we see a very quiet but arrogant old man come for a flat in the apartments and we come to know that the bug hunter is actually kinda caretaker(dunno what else to say!!). Then on the way they come across few of the inhabitants of the place and we get a brief introduction to a few characters. We see slowly that the Mr.cleveland (caretaker) then talks with somebody who complains of the water being a bit oily. Mr.Cleve says that he heard somebody splashing in the swimming pool. The swimming pool is located in the apartment such a way that three sides it has the apartment, and one side is towards a forest type of landscape.
That very night mr.cleve just wakes up while watching a tv news/ iraq war coverage. Then he goes on and discovers our lady in swimming pool. He tries to catch her, but instead he himself gets unconcious. Whe he wakes up, he sees a girl sitting in his room. A brief discussion happens about why shes there and all, but she herself is clueless apart from knowing she comes from the blue world (sea) and has to meet somebody predesignated but nobody knows who he/she is. Then when he goes out he has encounter with that beast who is trying to kill the lady Ms. Story. Cleve promises and tells that hed help her the way he can to find the person who is meant to meet her. Then as the next morning he goes to investigate he comes across this chinese girl and her mother who tell him about a story. When he come back we come to know that this cleve has some sad history, his family got murdered by somebody. He used to be a doctor but now he just fixes the problems of the apartment. He used to be a doctor.
Urrrrghhh....my popcorn finished !!! anyways wearily I look to the screen. Well the chinese bed-time story is: There are these sea nymphs who come from the sea, they come riding (or rather being carried by) great huge eagles. The eagle would drop them to humans, and the place of drop is the only place they can be picked up. But there is more, the dark and grass/weed covered master of disguise wolf/dog beasts are there. Their sole job is to kill the nymph. One of them is the rouge beast (still dont know the name!!). He will not be afraid from anyone else except the guardian (again a human). That guy has the ability to hold and control its mind. There are 3 more watchers that are too evil as they kill their parents when born. These are the law keepers of the ancient times. Finally we come to know after 2-3 unsuccesful attempts that we should have a gardener, a healer, a guardian , an interpreter, a writer and a guild to make the return of the nymph possible.
The movie rotates around finding these people, only clue is that these people will live unknowingly till they are discovered near the dropping/picking zone. And they have the duty to protect the nymph. If the nymph will be able to return she will be the queen of her race and an inspiration to enable man hear their voices.
Finally they are able to find these characters totally unknowingly and just by sheer luck, just in time to help the nymph return to her home. When the guardian (a musclebound young man) is able to delay the beast for so long that the 3 watchers (some monkey kinda beast) come and bash the dog-beast up and drag it in the jungle as it has broken some rule of the ancient. (again dunno the rules)
Some scenes are sparsely humorous for example when cleve desperately wants to listen to the bed-time story which is the only key to help the nymph escape. He behaves like a kid there, but dunno people laughed and so did I (maybe mass hysteria !!! as thinking now I dont think that to be too funny). The encounters with the chinese mon and daughter are a few light moments.
Also when the spectacled writer (who the characters mistakenly judge as the writer for the nymph escape) gets killed by the beast. That part I actually laughed.
A happy ending for all, except our arrogant writer, me and most of the audience. For me I expected something more indulging. Okay that some points we have that "shyamalan type suspense" but not enuf to keep me awake after the pop-corn finished.
I even saw one guy playing snakes in his NOKIA cellphone. Dunno what but I didnt say anything, but still the guy turned back and winked at me. (Inner voice maybe !!! Who knows??). Checked here and there.... no nymphs around !!!!
Then I left crushing the tickets and thinking should have read the reviews before coming. But I have not yet read any reviews on the movie even now!!!! Would read it up now.
Anyways, wont ask anybody not to watch.... but frankly guys and gals, you do have better options than this movie. Also get lotsa popcorn with you or as a backup games in your cellphone (never know what comes handy !!!).