As we all should know, one must wear deodorant in order not to stink! And I have used Suave™ deodorant for a long time. I also will use another brand when my normal brand is not available. And that is what happened this past time I needed deodorant. At my local Dollar Store they were out of the regular brand so I bought a brand that I had used in the past. And that I had been satisfied with as well. And that brand is Lady Speed Stick® by Mennen®.
The Product
Lady Speed Stick® Powder Fresh Invisible Dry anti-Perspirant Deodorant goes on with no white residue and it is not sticky either. It has a scent renewal formula for an all day protection that actually works. Contoured top designed for a woman’s underarm and has a turn dial that allows for easy control to produce the product as needed.
The Container
The size that I purchased at my local Dollar store was 1.4 oz (39.6g). I paid $1.50 for it. The container is plastic with a purple with navy, white and green label wrapped around the container. There is a green flower on the front as well, which is a trademark of Lady Speed Stick. There are also larger sizes available for slightly higher cost. Shop around for the best price.
The container is recyclable so check your area for recycling facilities.
Please read all ingredients before purchasing to make sure you are not allergic to any of them. And keep out of reach of small children. In the event a small child should get a hold of this product or any product please contact their doctor or poison control center immediately. Don’t take a chance on the babies in any way.
The Company
Should you have any questions or comments you can call:
or write to: Colgate-Palmolive Co.
New York, NY. 10022
Us Patent Nos 5, 833, 964 and 5, 275, 496 Made in the USA.
How I Feel
I have also used this product off and on over the years. In fact I will switch between this one and the Suave Brand that I use. This deodorant goes on smooth with no clumps, lumps or white residue like some deodorants do. It has a very pleasant smell to it and you can get it unscented as well.
Lady Speed Stick™ last all day and doesn’t give me that sticky feeling either. I like the way this deodorant feels on me and I really like the fact that there is no white powdery residue. I really hate that. my daughter will even use this bran without any complaints and let me tell you that is great for me! Of course she prefers her regular brand over this one.
Overall Lady Speed Stick™ by Mennen® is a good deodorant and I don’t think you would go wrong in using it.
I hope that this has helped in some kind of way.
God Bless!
© LKD 2002