In the top ten list of past times which indians as a unified whole are crazy about , movies and cricket would rate Nos 2 and 1 respectively...well what needs to be said about a movie which subtly weaved a plot around these two issues and as a feather on the cap projected it onto the British Raj era .
Kudos to all who were involved in making that coup de etat`.To top it the screenplay and direction factored in amazing lessons on leadership which B-school grads like me get to read in the books.Every aspect of bhuvans character was resembling the making of a LEADER in the most wholesome way.In fact when this movie was released colleges like IIM ahmedabad, SCMHRD, Etc are rumored to have screened it as part of their leadership course.
A.R.Rahman delivered yet again with his heart rendering yet peppy music , he very exquisitely captured the sounds of an yester era and seamlessly integrated it into the story.
a combination of all the above made this movie what it became.a LEGEND in indian cinema.