Its been awful looking for foundation to match my skintone. Im a couple of different Asian ethnicities: south asian, east asian, south-east, south-by-south-west, whatever. Foundations that claim to be formulated for Asian skintones are often too pale and yellow, making me sort of grey, and foundations from Western brands are often too pink too light or too dark. (Here, Im talking about relatively cheap makeup brands eg. Maybelline and Loreal. Chanels Voile Universel in Abricot is a good match, but I cant bring myself to pay for it. Im a poor student.)
I finally decided that I had to get a foundation or tinted moisturiser of some kind, and had almost decided to get Stilas Tinted Moisturiser in Warm, but realising I had no money I settled for a cheap, cheap, cheap one by Constance Carroll, rationalising that I could sheer it out with moisturiser for a tint. Thats what tinted moisturiser is after all, right?
So I went down to this Indian department store thing, and looked around. and found Lakme Perfecting Liquid Foundation, and Magic Souffle. They were amazingly cheap, I got both, in Natural Shell. (For reference: I use MAC NW35 concealor, my skintone is similar to that of Parminder Nagra from Bend It Like Beckham/ER. Maybe slightly lighter, but around there.)
The foundations seemed very yellow when I dumped them on my skin, but when I applied them they blended very well. Im thrilled with the shades. I dont know what a wheatish complexion is, exactly, but apparently, I am. Wheatish.
The Magic Souffle has gooey consistency, sort of like jam, and as it gets very humid here (Im not in India), sometimes it slides around on my face, and feels a bit oily and heavy, although its supposed to be light. Also, this could be because I use moisturiser under it. It doesnt have much coverage and seems to serve to make you glowy (pretty much like Chanels Voile Universel). I usually apply concealor on top to cover small acne scars, etc. This works well in drier climates like Egypt and Europe though, and I assume it would probably work well in India.
I like the Perfecting Liquid Foundation better. It comes in a wider variety of colours, and I think the Liquid Foundation in Natural Shell is a bit darker and less yellow than the souffle, though this possibly doesnt make much of a difference, as the souffle is sheerer. The coverage isnt very much either but this is good, as it looks less cakey and more natural, and it evens out my complexion well.
Both products havent broken me out (I have combination skin), and I have a new faith in Indian cosmetics now.
They do have a strange scent, however, which vaguely bothered me at first, but now I dont mind so much, especially as it doesnt linger. Its only when you open the jar/bottle and initially put it on.
Im also very pleased with the price, thats much cheaper than Maybelline/etc. and work much better for me.