Some are born fresh, some achieve freshness, and some have freshness thrust upon em. Guys, I fall in the third category and if above phrase dosen?t make sense? it?s ok ?cause it really dosen?t. This is my second review in the ?Body, Bath & Skin? category so I feel the need to tell you all that I am a totally normal male and am normally oriented.
So it all started with my mom picking up this red tube which had slightly sparkling gel stuff inside, at the local super market. The tube read ?LAKME Strawberry Silk Splash? which is quite a good name for a face wash. Its price is Rs. 40 for 50 Gms, which is a bit on the higher side. But believe me, nothing beats the feeling that one can get after using this product.
You see, the face of every member in our family tends to get oily and dirty by the end of the day (traveling in BEST/ST buses, air conditioned offices by the seashore etc. does that to everyone, I guess) and my mom insisted that we all wash our faces as soon as we return home in the evening with ?silk splash?. And no one in our family dares to disobey mom. According to mom?s instructions, one needs to squeeze out the face wash approximately to the size of a 50-paisa coin, and rub it all over the face in a circular manner and leave the real cleaning of the skin to the micro granule like stuff that is in the face wash.
Once every part of the face has been covered, wash away by splashing water with a bit of force to remove the face wash. And remember to only pat dry the face gently (all these are my mom?s instructions, not mine).
The clean and fresh feeling minus the dryness is priceless. It boggles my mind to think of the R&D depth of the Lakme team that has developed this stuff. And I am not exaggerating ?cause face washes have been around for more than a decade and only now has a product come out that is really worth recommending.
One last suggestion? I believe in savoring the moment so use silk splash only when you really need it and not frequently, else you might get so used to the fresh feeling that you may stop valuing it.