This has it all ... for all strawberry lovers Lakme Strawberry Silk Face Wash (a deep cleansing face wash) brings this amazing strawberry fragrance that lingers on for a long time after the wash...
Silky touch on your skin , yes it is a breakthrough, it gets you soft soft instantly... Even then it cleans your skin gently though thoroughly from the innermost pores of your bet! and this kinda cleaning leads to fresh and tingling skin. With out drying your skin, the deep cleansing action of the face wash removes dead skin and dirt... And Lakme it is ..indeed a reverred brand and you must believe this product..
It gets you a sudden glow and there are no eruptions or rashes ..I mean its so gentle and with the fragrance you just dont feel like quittin ..Youll go on washin ..also becoz Strawberry Silk Splash can be used often as required, because it is gentle on the skin unlike soap. And whats more: Strawberry extracts polish the skin leaving it silky soft soft! It can be used on all skin types too.
And how to use it: Strawberry silk splash is to be gently massaged with fingertips on nose, chin and forehead etc. and the result undoubtedly is fresh clean and soft skin!
For about 70 Rs this facewash is a blessing .. try it girls and I recommend it not just on my opinion alone ..more than a dozen girls in my hostel are stuck to it even now... and so am I and my sis and my mom and so many of my cousins and guess what one of my cousin brothers too...
soft silk and strawberry yet clean enough : Try it!
(A lil extra info::LAKME introduced three cleansers Fruit Kissed Home Facial, Strawberry Silk Splash Face Wash and Fruit Crush Face Scrub. The home facial is priced at Rs 55 for a 50 gm pack. The face wash is priced at Rs 40 for a 50 gm pack. The scrub is priced at Rs 50 for a 50 gm pack. )
Facts about LAKME:
1.brand name LAKME is derived from Laxmi, the Indian Goddess of Wealth.
- At the invitation of Pundit Jawaharlal Nehru, LakmE was launched by the Tatas.
3.50 million units of LakmE products are sold every year.
Hope you derived some info outta this revu..
Keep readin and writin pals
Take care