Ive been a huge fan of Dustin Hoffman ever since I sawKramer vs Kramer andTootsie. And with this 2009 movie, Hoffman proves that he is still a pleasure to watch.
Hoffman plays a somewhat awkward musician, who would rather be performing for the crowds, but actually composes music for advertisements. His career is going off-track, since he hasnt been able to impress the clients of the advertising firm.
His personal life isnt doing that great either. Hes divorced and is rather estranged from his daughter, who is currently in London, and soon going to get married. His daughters big day falls on the same day as an important business meeting, so he tries to juggle both. In London he meets Emma Thompson, who works at the airport and has her own set of issues she strugles with.
The story I have outlined might not seem too much fun, but its one of those nice movies where you know a happy ending is in the offing. There are many sweet bits to the movie and it comes across as very realistic. Theres no artificial gloss - each character has his own set of faults & nuances. You can feel Hoffmans shame, his anger at almost being outcast from his daughters wedding, his helplessness towards his job failures - he paints them in vivid colors. Hoffman once again displays his genius.
Watch this one for Hoffman.