The Last Juror is for those who like to read thrill. Grisham truly has the talent to create a page-tuning adventure that will hold you till the last page.
The story starts when in 1970, The Ford County Times; Mississippis colorful weekly newspaper goes bankrupt. Willie Traynor, a 23-year-old university dropout surprisingly owns the newspaper. The newspaper shows no signs to sail through unless it reports the intriguing story of the young mother who is inhumanely raped and murdered by Padgitt family.
The day The Ford County Times reports the gruesome news is the start of its up sales. The newspaper starts to gain popularity with the news bit. During the trial, Danny Padgitt is tried and found guilty. While being sentenced for lifetime imprisonment, he threatens the jurors to make them pay for it. And he keeps his words. He manages to free himself from the imprisonment and returns to the Ford County with a sole purpose. Avenge.
The story is wrapped in chilling thrill and tingling ?what happens next? suspense. Read it to get goose bumps.