Quite a concept! Late Night V!
Although havent gotten around to watch all the shows featured
in this slot. One which I more than often catch is Mens Room.
Another unique concept.
The show is hosted by VJ Ranvir. The placement is of a large
room with a large piano and a large sofa.
Ranvir entertains calls only from women. And talks to them about
mostly intimate stuff regarding men. The conversation is intercut with
varieties of English songs.
During the conversations, gauging the womans aptitude Ranvir puts
across questions to them and the conversation moves along. Usually it
is difficult to know how boring or entertaining the conversation
would be - cause it is over the phone. But that is where Ranvir
deserves all the credit. He knows exactly how much to pull the
length of the conversation to or when to terminate it.
I remember this one particular show where Ranvir chatted with just
one girl and she was quite witty to hold her own against
Ranvirs smart quips.
The theme of the show is altered at times suiting the convenience.
This one time Ranvir alongwith having a conversation and playing
songs was demonstrating how to make drinks - cocktails and
Then there was this another time where Ranvir had guests on
the show alongwith him. There were VJs Yudi and Gaurav to add
spice to the show. Although both of them behaved like the
total loons they are - it still made for entertaining viewing.
All in all, it is a great show conceived well.