I have read several Wodehouse books in the past 15 years, partly due to the easy availiablity in the lending library and partly because I see everyone reading them (peer pressure). It is a fad in India and nowhere else.
I find Wodehousian humour generally stale and really they belong to another era, England of the the 1900 to 1930s, where puritanical values existed, when marriages were arranged and upper class culture with butler (gentlemans gentleman) and servants existed. The humorous situations therein largely have no appeal to me as I cannot relate to them. Admittedly they are clean and family oriented because of this and one can safely put them in te family bookshelf in India, but there is little else to their credit.
I have lived in England for few years for my postgraduate studies and was greeted with amusement when I asked wether Wodehouse was popular there. Apparently it is not considered worth reading in the country of origin.