Worst phone ever. Reasons : -
1) Rubbish items eat up almost 60% of internal memory.
2) Facebook doesnt respond properly.
3) Facebook Messenger doesnt respond properly.
4) Whatsapp messenger doesnt respond properly.
5) Recent call logs as well as contacts disappears.
6) The alarm doesnt perform when it is removed from the background.
7) Temperature rises up very quick.
8) A maximum of only 3 apps are installed for its bloody 1GB RAM.
9) Battery exhausts very quickly.
10) The VoLTE disappears after some time.
So , I request you to please improve the LAVA A97 and also other models of LAVA because no other chinese or international phones like Vivo , Oppo , Redmi etc. shows up problems like this. Also, I am selling the phone day after tomorrow only for & #8377; 3, 000 , which shows that others also know what LAVA is worth of. Freakin worst phone ever. I am going for Redmi and Id also suggest to my family as well as friends never to use LAVA. Thank-you.
Imtiyaz, 26 Sep 2017
Just three months back bought a97 and it starts giving bunch of . more
why do people say about disappearing contacts .i used to play heavy games all the time .but I have never experience such a thing .like disappearing contacts .the thing is .you guys should use a keypad phone instead of using touch ones
Worst phone in india.automatically change display colours.hide contacts.poor camera.do not work night mode.i miss more events in night time.i feel shame for buy this mobile.
Worst phone in india.automatically change display colours.hide contacts.poor camera.do not work night mode.i miss more events in night time.i feel shame for buy this mobile
Just three months back bought a97 and it starts giving bunch of problems .
First and for most issue is contact list and calls log automatically gets disappeared for long time specially when I need to call , second thing is phone is coming with useless application installed which consumed 75 % internal memory of phone .
Im just fed up with this mobile and I ll never ever buy in future nor recommend any one of my friends family .
REPLY26 Sep 2017D0H2
Mobile shows internal memory full so I want to know to solve problem
REPLY23 Sep 2017YQW8
My mobile is slow drive
REPLY07 Sep 2017gNSb
Lava should work on its techniques properly.not a gud one from all the angles.i dont understand why we are so poor about manufacturing phones.no indian brand has won peoples heart till now
REPLY31 Aug 2017rJ8N
ijust bought phone allover is nice but when I brought phn service was to bad he is not gvn me anything and person was so route
REPLY19 Aug 2017XPFX
its not a good phone. it has many problems. like software, display and etc
REPLY15 Jul 2017gM$2
Mohammad Ali Raza
Hanging problem and back camera is very poor
REPLY12 Jul 2017g} ti
Not so good phone.head set dienst connect properly.adaptor does not connect properly.Dont know why they are into smart phone making.
Worst .Just a month old phone has making me cry.