One morning, I picked up the newspaper in a state of pleasant grogginess, was reading it though when I almost jumped out of my skin. Terrible printed words jumped out of the paper and danced a frightening samba in front of my eyes:
A monster cockroach (4 inches long !) discovered in the jungles of Borneo?
Yikes ! Ugh ! Ugh ! As if cockroaches were bad enough, now do they come in monster sizes ? Won?t horrors ever cease ? As I looked up heavenwards for some respite, I read on in fascinated repulsion?
The person who was leading the expedition called the area to be preserved Who knows what else is out there? If something is not done soon to protect these areas, dozens of species could disappear before anyone knew they ever existed.
Now what is this world coming to ? Which people in their right mind would want to preserve cockroaches ? Can there be a worse terror than monster cockroaches (shudders ! shudders ! ) unleashed on us ?
As far as I am concerned, these black, scary creatures should be wiped out in one masterful stroke ! I am prepared to lead a protest march with ?Down with the cockroaches !?, ?Kill the beast !? placards. I am even willing to risk having an encounter some pro-animal activists on the way (do they fight for cockroaches as well ?!) ? simply because the stakes are too high :
Imagine waking up one day, walking out of the bed to brush your teeth and lo ! you find a monster cockroach waiting to greet you with his gigantic antennae waving in the air ? I know for sure that I may not make it. I may simply give up living.
Now coming to the big problem at hand - the cockroaches back in India. Though they are still the normal size ; not the monster ones, (Thank God for small mercies !), I suspect that some of them have simply become Hit- resistant. You can spray away all your hard earned money down the drain (in the form of noxious fumes of Hit), yet, some of these clever rascals just escape their fate. That makes me wonder if they have engineered some smart mutation in their genes which makes Hit ineffective ? If these creatures can survive a nuclear holocaust, then pray tell me, what is Hit ?
Possible, possible, I pondered and decided to change my ammunition this time. That is how I bought Laxman Rekha Chalk (with very high recommendation by an enthusiastic salesman).
This is the you use it : When all is dark, then walk out of your bed, armed with the chalk, make zig-zag patterns on the surfaces where you suspect cockroaches enjoy frisking around, then wash your hands and go back to sleep. That simple !
Come morning, go explore your kill ! You will be rewarded with the sight of many of your enemies (of the cockroach variety) lying, dead to the world. It really works ! And the best part is that while you are on Mission maar dalo cockroaches ko , you are not coughing and spluttering with any strong smell that you would have if you had used ?Hit?.
Now don?t ask me what the ingredients are ? all I know that they are very poisonous and that?s why you must make sure that it should be kept far away from children?s reach and make sure you wash your hands after using it.
And about those monster cockroaches ? want to join me on my protest march ? ; )