This product including all the Baygon sprays and other products are useless and ineffective against cockroaches.
It may kill some few cockroaches where you apply it. But it is only temporary. Cockroaches will come out from the hiding immediately after the effects of the chalk is gone. The chalks leave white lines all over even after their effect is gone the lines still stay. I have seen cockroaches walking fearlessly on the Laxman rekha lines.
Six months back we got a number from a colleague who had used the services of a local Pest control company. We decided to call them and got it done.
What they did was applied very small amounts of some Herbal Paste at various corners of our apartment. They also sprayed some water based chemical in bathrooms. For about a week every morning we woke up to the sight of hundreds of cockroaches lying dead on the floor. Cockroaches were attracted by the paste and came out of their hiding places and lost their lives. My microwave was the breading place for the cockroaches. After about two weeks there was not a single cockroach in our house. The company said the effect will stay for about four months, but its six months now and we still do not have the Raavan in our house!
The herbal treatment costed us Rs 400. However, recently we came to know that the herbal paste is available in certain shops for Rs 50-80. I am looking forward to buy it and apply it myself next time. Dont go for these advertised products, check locally you may find similar products. I used to go mad when even after spraying an entire can of Baygon/Hit cockroaches continued to stay in our house.
Bangalore Pest Control did a good job.