GO FOR IT that?s all I would say about this magic chalk - yes its magic, as any one would agree. This 3-inch piece of chalk really works magic when it comes to killing of cockroaches, ants and other crawling insects. All you have to do is to draw a few lines at night and wipe them out the next morn? and yea, not to forget to sweep away the heaps of dead cockroaches.
Right from my childhood, I was the cockroach killer of my house, running after each and every ?little brown menace? and making sure the house is rid of it. So whenever I saw an anti- cockroach product on the racks, I dared to give it a try. I shouldn?t say the others aren?t powerful enough, to tell the truth I have found almost all the products nearly did what they said... You would now ask me why then do I suggest this particular product. Ill tell you why.
1) The smell factor
I remember those days when guests come to my house, the first smell they would catch was the stingy smell of the insecticides I spray. There was no means by which I could wipe it out or suppress it when the guests came home. It really used to make me feel ashamed when they ask what the foul smell was.
Lakshman Rekha doesn?t smell bad and can be wiped away when ever you want to
2) The purse factor
These little pieces of chalk is always worth a try as it costs just a trifling. Just Rs.15 ? do you believe that? After all it doesn?t drain your pocket out like all those earlier products did
3) The safety factor
Many a time I have faced a situation when I just cant get the poison out of the house when the guest?s with their little ones are coming home. But with Lakshman Rekha, one can always wipe it out before they land ? with no poison left.
But there?s one thing I have always noticed. Lekshman rekha doesnt always come in that single name.
The different polymorphic forms include
1) Lekshmana Rekha and
2) Lakshmana Rekha
But all serves the purpose though invariably all these polymorphic forms keep the user in the dark about the ?lethal ingredient?. But still, no matter what it contains, I am happy with it as long as those dirty creatures are at bay.