Quality of local chips is excellent??!!??
Man, if you ever visit any local SME engaged in manufacturing potato chips, youll never eat another chips in your life. Leave aside the quality of potato used, the oil they use will frighten you out of your skin.
And, let us not forget that all these local product-wallah NEVER pay any taxes (sales/Excise) that can be as much as 60% of the MRP (something that an MNC cant do). Thats what enables them to sell cheap.
So not only do you eat unhealthy, you also help unscruplous elements cheating our nation of much needed taxes (in case you were unaware, these taxes provide, or rather should provide you, with roads, subsidised water/electricity, police etc. etc).
I might be paying more, but I would reach out for a packet of Lays anyday, rather than save a few bucks at the cost of my health and that of my nation (I might talk in hyperbole, but looking at it objectively, thats what it really is.
..and I suggest you do the same. Thank you.