Hey guys , I want to tell you about the bestest quality and service pizza shop “Laziz Pizza”.
The presentation of the pizza house was quite good .The atmoshphere was amazing sweet melody tone of songs were played in the pizza house. siting arrangments were done according to peoples comfortability, different zones were made according to couples, friends, family etc.
The starter of pizza house was adroable different varieties are there in starter, most of the people were done by eating such a wonderfull starter .Main course of Laziz Pizza house begins with Garlic Bread .Their are 3 types of garlic bread corn stuffing garlic bread, masala garlic bread and tomotto and capcicum garlic bread.breads were so soften and full of cheez and then comes turn of pizza. Different varietis of pizza were seen, The taste of pizza were excellent .pizza were crispy and cheezy .
The service facilty was wonderful.pizza were coming fastly turn by turn.stuff member were trained briantly .All the stuf members had wear cap and suit. cleaness major was excellent.
My allover viwe by visting the “Laziz Pizza was excellent .All the arrangements were good with affrodable prize.